Friday, April 18, 2008

Africans Holidays

I got this artuicle from South Africas National Holidays.

Even Africa has a few holidays to celebrate . And all for very good reasons.After Apartheid and Congress leader Nelson Mandela came in South Africa since 1994, holidays have been known to all.
This is their vacations.---
March 21- Human rights day is one step to make sure people of S. Africa know human rights and make sure abuse doesn't happen like it had in 1969 when police killed 69 people in Sharpearville that were in protest against pass laws.
April 27- in 1994 the first democratic election allowed all adults to vote and in 1997 new constitution came.
May 1- Workers Day is a day to protest better wages --it is somewhat suprising that they still do it, because of the unions there.
June 16-Youth Day- June 1976 is for honner of the young people that lost their lives in the struggle against Apartheid and Banta education in their schools.
August 5-- National Womens Day. 1956 , 20,000 women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria against law of making black women carry passes. Celebrate all women acheivements and rights and difficulities women face.
September 24- Heritaeg Day- Nelson Mandela " Rainbow nation" for S. Africans diverse cultures, customs, history, and language.
December 16-- Day of Reconciliation- the day of vow for the day in 1838 Vootrtrekkers defeated a Zulu army at Battle of Blood River. It is to look at them overcoming conflicts of past and building new nation.
So it is seen that they do get to celebrate all of the acheivements in their country and the things that do bring happiness to people in their country.

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